I spent most of my Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the weekend just gone
attending events linked to the Oldhammer community’s ‘Bring Out Your Lead 2015’
event, hosted by Foundry in Newark.
The year’s event was the 3rd year it has run, evolving from
a small and informal gathering of folks, playing a handful of games in 2013, to
a much larger informal gathering! The main thrust of the event is the playing
and mutual admiration of Games Workshop’s games from the late 1980s and early
1990s, with figures from the same era or ethos. A dozen participation games
were planned across the weekend, using rules as diverse as Warhammer 3rd
edition, Rogue Trader, Space Hulk, Mordheim and Blood Bowl, not to mention
fantastic large-scale games using custom rules, such as Warhammer Ahoy and the
Deathrace. There also seemed to be plenty of pick-up games taking place over
the course of the weekend, including Space Crusade, Heroquest and Necromunda.
My weekend started pretty early on Friday morning when I collected
Irish Oldhammerers Paul S (cheetor) and John (Just John) from East
Midlands airport. We made the run up to Newark to drop off cases at hotels, before
heading back down to Warhammer World for a pre-BOYL meet up and game of
Inquisimunda. After food and a good natter with Aussie traveller James (Captain
Crooks), we ended up playing an entertaining 9-player game with two factions
(radical and slightly less radical) competing to activate / destroy a teleport
homer device. My Ordo Malleus crew teamed up with Graham (Greater Harlequin)
and his genestealer cult, John with Space Santa plus little helpers and Chris
(antipixi) with his ash waste nomads. Facing us down were Gadge with his rogue
trader, Colin (Whiskey Priest) with an inquisitor, Paul (cheetor) with another
inquisitor and JB (Asslessman) with his Sensei.
The lay of the land. Teleport homer located at the top of the tower. |