Happy New Year to you all. Things are moving apace on the gaming front over the next few months. I've just booked flights to attend Knavecon in Ireland at the end of April, but more pertinently for my output for the next few weeks, I'll be joining in a new Inquisimunda campaign.
My initial thoughts were to use the
Rogue Quest band, but I had a last minute change of mind, deciding they were too similar to Inquisitor Dirske and his retinue from the last campaign. Instead, I've decided to use a motley band of Eldar Void Pirates, which will include
Taal Spellsinger,
Prince Nuadha and
Caspalta Silverhair. I've always liked the old Eldar Battle Drones / Ghost Warriors, and as a Void Pirate Captain can be accompanied by a Construct (effectively a servitor), I decided that I'd use one as a 'counts as'.
I've actually got a dozen or so of the Ghost Warriors sitting in a case - back in 2010 I attended my last ever 40k tournament with a Wraith-themed Eldar army. Much to my embarrassment, I only base-coated the entire army with purple bodies, grey heads and black weapons. I cringe even now when I think about an entire army of poorly based coated Eldar on the table.
On the left, the 'painted' starting point. |