Tuesday 24 April 2018

Techs on Tour - Attending a Necromunda Tournament

Last weekend I attended the very first Necromunda tournament at Warhammer World (well, certainly the first GW-run event using the new game). This was a free event that I'd built and painted my tech gang, the Data Kings, to use at. Prior to attending, I'd had my models cleared by the events team and GW archivist, mainly because I was fully aware that the age, obscurity and conversions on some of the models might raise suspicions!

The rules for creating and using a gang in the tournament pack followed a well-established model, commonly used in Blood Bowl tournaments. We were allowed an elevated credit limit (1,250 creds) and a package of skills and stat increases that we could scatter amongst our fighters. We were also able to access trading post weapons, hired guns and hangers on. As a resurrection format event, the gang reset after each game, so there were no advancements or lasting injuries.

I sent these images into the events team to help rubber stamp use of the figures

I used the Van Saar list from the Gangs of Legend pdf:
Leader -boltgun, laspistol, trick shot
Champion - heavy stubber, stub gun, +1 ballistic skill, trick shot
Champion - plasma gun, laspistol, fast shot
Specialist - grenade launcher, laspistol, +1 ballistic skill, munitioneer
Ganger - boltgun, laspistol
Ganger - lasgun
Ganger - lasgun
Ganger - lasgun
Ganger - plasma pistol, axe, stub gun
Juve - 2 stub guns, club, sprint

The list was designed around my preferred shooty type of gang, with a couple of combat fighters just in case!

Monday 16 April 2018

Ctrl Alt Repeat

I noticed a funny thing the other day - that there are some models that I've used a number of times. And not simply the same basic troopers that you paint because there are only 3 sculpts to go into a 10-man unit. I keep using these models for different purposes and conversions. I wonder whether familiarity means I am better able to visualise adaptation? I've managed to inadvertently do this with figures from the Rogue Trooper range, Blood Bowl and Rogue Trader.

Here are some examples:

The Eldar Trader

I think I have painted the Eldar Trader five times in total. I've still got three in my collection one I use as an Eldar Trader, one as a Dark Elf Blood Bowl coach, and one as the more exotic Bonesinger. On the face of it, the trader and coach are identical, but I did actually replace the holstered pistol for a pouch on the coach!

The figure is really unusual, both as an Eldar and Elf - he has a great expression and a really interesting pose - haughty and as far away from combat as you can get. I suspect that's why I've painted him so many times!

Friday 13 April 2018

Bob Naismith's Overrunners Kickstarter

Bob Naismith is a hugely respected name in the miniatures sculpting industry, being part of the team that created the iconic Rogue Trader figures for Citadel, as well as working for a huge number of other companies since.

Bob was kind enough to let me interview him about his time with Citadel during the early days of this blog, and I'm delighted to see that he's just launched a Kickstarter of a self-designed line of near future soldiers.

The Overrunners Kickstarter is currently live and funded, comprising some very nice science fiction soldiers and supporting vehicles.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

The Data Kings - Tech Gang Launched

The Data Kings look to blast their way out of an ambush by The Maniaks

I've managed to paint up another pair of Tech gangers, to take my total up to 10. This is actually sufficient for my planned gang for the Necromunda event in a few weeks time. You'll also notice that I've swapped in a couple of different figures (the other figures will still get painted, but I've altered my list a little).

The biggest change to the list is that I've swapped out a plasma gun in preference for a heavy stubber. This was predominantly driven by an idea for the conversion - I liked it so much that I fast-tracked it in favour of the still WIP plasma gunner. In order to include the heavy stubber, I had to lose a boltgun. Happily I had a nice Marauder Tech ganger with a lasgun, so he came into the starting line-up. 

Champion Durango is inadvertently a clone of Cyborg!

Thursday 5 April 2018

Errol Phlegm, Mutie Scum

The team over at Old School Miniatures are currently running a nice little Kickstarter for a chaotic, pustulent set of travelling players, known as the Circus of Corruption. Do go and check it out.

They've been good enough to send a set of pre-release resin masters to the contributors of the Scale Creep blog, including myself. You'll see the full set jointly painted up by all of the 'Creepers' over the course of the next week, but in the meantime, here's my contribution - a charming little chap named Errol Phlegm.