Monday 26 October 2015

Wrench and rivet gun - the maintenance crew

Reg 'Pops' Dwight is clearly a man who needs a crew - some willing (but not necessarily bright) chaps to order around and do all the awkward or dirty jobs.
With that in mind, I procured a set of 'Jim and the Fix It Crew' by Four A Miniatures. In due course I'll paint the third member of the crew, but for now I've got a nice pair of dockers / engineers / spaceship crewmen for Pops to take charge of.
The paint jobs are very quick and basic - basecoat, wash, single highlight, but as these two figures are purely for scenic / NPC purposes, I didn't want to spend an age on them. They've got the same colour scheme as Pops, but where he has a nice blue uniform with orange trim, I decided that orange boilersuits were more suitable for the grease monkeys. Job done!

Pops orders Wrench and Rivet Gun to inspect the magnetic couplings.


  1. These turned out great,
    perfect characters for sci-fi RPG.

    1. Thanks. They're a bit rushed, but I think they do the job all right :)

  2. Great, I have unlimited love for those kind of models and the last pictures is the absolute they're essential if prove was still needed.
    Excellent !

    1. Thanks JB - I agree, I can't get enough myself ;)

  3. The bloke on the left looks like Simon Phoenix from Demolition man!

    1. I was using good old Wesley as a reference point :)

  4. Nice! This is another less-is-more case. Their simplicity makes them so loveable. Nothing too complicated or overdone, they are just as they are supposed to look, and your paintwork here helps to that. Nice job!

    1. Thanks Suber! Orange overalls seemed the logical outfit! I might be tempted to do the third in yellow overalls for variety :)

  5. That's really nice; can I ask how you did your orange? Always been a colour that gives me trouble.

    1. This particular orange is GW paint - bestigor flesh, with a watered down bloodletter glaze, then highlights of bestigor flesh adding white.

      I really like the old Macharius orange paint from GW too, but it's discontinued.

  6. These look great and they look even better on the terrain. Initially I thought they would look better with some green grass on the base but then I saw them in the context of the terrain they are suppose to be at and went ahhhhh... nailed it.

    1. I started consistently basing my figures last year, aiming for a fairly neutral / generic base that wouldn't look out of place in a range of settings. My plan eventually is to have a full table themed around the setting :)
