Friday 28 June 2024

Inq et nunc - Soemon, Gun for Hire

My latest model is an attempt to use a suitably-sized miniature from the current Games Workshop range and adapt it for 54mm-scale gaming. Soemon is a gun for hire (another desperado character) who will get used as a nice bit of supporting firepower (and muscle!).

Look out behind you!

Soemon is made from an ogor bloodpelt hunter, a plastic kit from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar range:

Ogor bloodpelt hunter from Games Workshop.

The design of the kit means that the figure is built up in layers of detail, so it was relatively easy to leave off the crossbow & forearms, animal head trophies and accessories. I had already worked out that I could use a 1990s 40k ogryn ripper gun in place of the crossbow, but this did mean some extensive cutting and trimming away from the belly area.

On the final conversion you can see that I needed to do some extensive resculpting on the upper right side of the torso to replace the material I removed in order to fit the ripper gun. The head was sourced from a 54mm samurai I'd had kicking around in a bits box for years. 

There was a big bare space at the front where the lizard trophy head was on the original model. I sculpted some new fur then liberally threw various gear over the top to add interest.

The rear of the model was a little simpler - a few more bits (Inquisitor water bottles, kroot knives and an ork holstered pistol).

I struggled with the painting for quite a long time - Soemon was actually the first 54mm model I started painting, but I lost confidence in the colour scheme and put him aside to think on it. In the end, I don't think I was happy with it until I added the tattoos. Suddenly it all seemed to click and there was a bit more logic behind his exotic clothing choices. I'm still not sure why he chooses to go barefoot though!

The ripper gun will count as a grenade launcher with a combat blade.

I really like the bulk that he has compared to the relatively lean-looking characters from the majority of the official Inquisitor range. 

I did wonder about more tattoos on the left side, but I like the asymmetry element he currently has.

Soemon is about the same height as Dick Slevlan (and Slick Devlan). Not the tallest character in an Inquisitor's retinue, but definitely suitably scaled!


  1. No way. I mean, this is jaw dropping. I wouldn't ever have sorted out the original model, this work is [redacted] awesome :O

    1. Thanks so much! I love using unexpected models for new purposes 😁

  2. That's amazing work. I'm really impressed that you had the idea in the first place. It would never have occurred to me. It looks excellent.

    1. Thanks Toby! I've got to say, it took a bit if time searching through the ranges to hit on some possible options. This one really stood out because of the pose 🙂
