Wednesday 4 September 2019

One-Eyed Tentacled Slaver Aliens

Technically, these things should come in threes, and although I have a third on its way to me, I wanted to share this pair of newly painted monocular levitating alien beasts.

What you're looking at is a duo of rather nice resin sculpts which could easily proxy as psychic slavers in the retro science fiction wargame setting of your choice. The larger of the beasts is Cortex Eater from Crooked Dice that I was kindly sent a pre-production sample of. The smaller one is a fan-produced sculpt that was gifted to me well over 12 months ago. Whilst I'm rather embarrassed it took me so long to paint it up, I'm pleased that it is actually painted and not consigned to the shameful box of incomplete projects!

Unfortunately the larger beast was missing a tentacle, but I was easily able to make a new one from a rolled cone of greenstuff that I draped over some pencils as it cured.

The Cortex Eater is a crisp, chunky sculpt. The relatively dormant tentacles add to the sense of weight of the model. I painted it up in a dull skin colour that was then successively washed with browns and pinks and drybrushed by adding a pale flesh to the original colour. The eye is a fairly slavish copy of the Eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings films, completed with a couple of layers of gloss varnish.

The smaller beast has much thinner resin tentacles, designed to be heated and bent into the desired shape. I like the greater animation that this smaller beast has - it feels like a more active, aggressive and possibly younger creature.

I decided to mount the pair on textured bases with brass rod supports rather than the clear plastic flying bases they were provided with as I think this is a little less obtrusive.

I've also been eyeing up the Mind Controllers set from the recent Knightmare Games Space Goblins Kickstarter. I mean if you're going to invade a world with one-eyed tentacled slaver aliens, perhaps you need more than just a handful!

Desperate Imperial Guardsmen attempt to protect a psyker from being enslaved by monstrous aliens.


  1. They look great, the pale skin with firy eyes make a striking combo, they're just the right scale for the use as well.

    1. Cheers! I have to say I was pretty pleased with how effective but quick the paint job was. I honestly spent most time on the eyes - the skin was super-quick.

  2. Those are great, and I like how the big one is trying to wave hello. Clearly they are a parent and child on a shopping expedition. (and it looks like the smaller one even has a tentacle that will link up with the bigger one)

    1. You do realise that I will now be intent on them linking tentacles at every opportunity?! Cheers!

    2. Also magnifies their powers ;)

    3. I like lasgunpacker's idea they're parent and child, but I thought they were a boyfriend and girlfriend. Why not do a scenario where they're out for a honeymoon doing some soppy touristy stuff on a planet and aren't aware how much upset they're causing the natives?

    4. Sounds 100% Futurama to me!

  3. Those are creepy! Excellent stuff, Axiom.

  4. Damn! I was on the fence about getting a cortex eater and didn't jump on it because I couldn't figure out how big it was. Now I'll have to see if one can be added to my order.
    Great looking paint jobs. I've got a soft spot for enslavers with some references to them in the old deathwing anthology of 40k stories. I ended up using them as the antagonists in a dark heresy campaign a few years ago and that was pretty fun too. I remember a guardsmen dutifully delivering a 'letter' (actually a grenade) to his CO and the PCs.

    1. It's a lovely model and a really nice big one to boot. I'm sure you'll be able to get Karl to add one in!

      I've got lots of ideas to use these in skirmish games- mind control is such a fun mechanic. You're absolutely right, those RT references really get the juices flowing.

  5. Lemmy vs The Eye of Sauron. What's not to like.

  6. Great looking floaty gribblies. Those eyes are creepy as heck. Enslave and suck the life force from the inside out!

    1. Glad you like the eyes. I wanted to avoid anything looking too cartoony (like some Beholders sometimes look). Creepy is definitely better for me!

  7. Love it! I'll have to pick one up myself sometime soon.

  8. Great paint jobs on those floating things that might do bad things to the brains of magicians.

    They're quite large miniature aren't they!

    Excellent work once again Jon :)

    1. They are certainly big bad boys. I like that they're a threatening size :)

  9. Wow was not expecting these, but Bravo! The skin tones and eye work are inspiring.

    1. Thanks Tom! Funnily enough, I hadn't really intended to paint them, but just fancied it. Do I went with my gut, rather than painting something I wasn't in the mood for.

  10. Wow, spectacular. I couldn't imagine this skin colour would fit them so nicely. And the Eye... oh, the Eye! :O
    I also have a scratch built one and used it in my latest large game. It was terribly fun, I encourage you to give these a try on the board :)

    1. I recall your excellent scratchbuilt - it was a great rendition! I absolutely intend to give them a run out!!

  11. Really, really cool, both of them! I love what you did with their eye.

    1. Thanks Martin! Really pleased you like them :)

    2. atst1138_at_yahoo.com9 September 2019 at 03:12

      Hello, trying to reach axiom via email but cannot find it. Can you shoot me a message at the email provided. Thanks

  12. Similar enough to fill out the ranks ????

    1. That's a fun model, although I prefer the featureless and ominous eye to the more friendly Beholder look of the Narthok.

  13. The colours on these work particularly well. The painting on the eyes is fantastic too.

    1. They very well might follow you round the room!

  14. They look great. I really like the eye(s).

    1. Thanks Sean, I was pretty happy with how they came out.

  15. These are so creepy (in a good way) ... like Mordor with Tentacles.
