Friday 29 December 2017

The Traditional End of Year Hobby Review

I started this blog over 4 years ago as a repository for all my hobby output. I really enjoy the feedback from all the folks who read the blog, and I find it really useful to look back at my output at the end of each year.

Best place to start is what I thought I'd be doing at the end of 2016:

How did I do? I certainly had plenty of fun games, and I had a good year of modelling and painting. As is to be expected though, some of the plans fell through (I only painted one figure for the nobilist warband and I didn't paint any Melniboneans or Genestealer hybrids), while others were pretty successful (I painted some RT adventurers, went to BOYL17 and made stacks of terrain).

Gaming in 2017
At the start of 2017, my gaming group continued with our Ash Wastes campaign, where dirt bikes and desert buggies clashed with dino-riders and huge clanking vehicles.

From the middle of the year, we ran a short, sharp Shadow War: Armageddon campaign.

Over the summer I met up with some good friends at BOYL17, with a day's gaming at Warhammer World, then two days at Wargames Foundry (and plenty of food and beer in between):

Scattered in and around the campaigns and events, I was lucky enough to have a couple of gaming sessions with other friends around the country - Dark Future up in Scotland with George, over to the West Midlands to try Dracula's America a go with Graham. I even revisited Space Hulk at home with my son. All of the games I had were fun. And that's the most important thing, right?

Painting and modelling in 2017
As ever, I flitted around a host of different projects for 2017. Some were driven by campaigns and events. Some came about because of themed painting competitions through various Facebook groups. Curis, cheetor and myself started the Choose Your Own Adventurers paint along to encourage us to paint up our collections. Some stuff I painted just because I fancied it! It has however, been a very productive year.

This year's eclectic mix of figures included a variety of oddballs and renegades, as well as an Imperial Guard Kill Team and Ratling Inquisitorial retinue (both for Shadow War: Armageddon). Oh, and loads of groxen!

I also made a shedload of terrain this year - all themed after the Helsreach illustrations from Rogue Trader.

Interspersed amongst the other stuff, I got round to enlarging my vehicle pool with a selection of new vehicles.

The Hobby Chart
All very well and good. But I know what you all want to see. You want to see the charts, right?! Well let's have a look:

The number of games I played in 2017 fell a little on the previous two years. I suspect that was mainly due to the break my gaming group had over the autumn (after a number of years of back-to-back campaigns). Nonetheless, 39 games in a year is a grand total, and I know I'm luckier than many gamers who struggle to play more than a handful.

I am really pleased to have had a significant increase in my painting output for the year to an all-time record of 207 'things' painted. Yes, that does include about 40 crates, pallets and barrels (each counted as '1'), but it also includes a significant number of big terrain pieces, including the scratchbuilt House of Bergat (also counted as '1').

Plans for 2018

Fun games, enjoy modelling and painting

I know I said this last year, but I reckon that if I can achieve the above, I've had a successful year yet again. In terms of specifics, BOYL18 is in the diary. I'd like to try and get across to Ireland again for another gaming weekend. In January my gaming group will kick off a new Necromunda campaign.

I need to finish painting my House Morlaque gang in time for the campaign start. I'm planning a Dracula's America/Rogue Trader mashup force (Dr40kula's Imperia?). Asslessman and myself have talked about painting some small Rogue Trader forces. Choose Your Own Adventurers will continue. I might even get round to those Genestealer cultists this year too!

Wishing you all a good holiday period, see you in 2018!


  1. You’ve had a great year there, buddy.

    I really enjoyed our games this summer and definitely aim to get in the car and head to Nottingham for a few more this year (in addition to BOYL18).

    Keep producing such cool stuff - because I want to game with/against it!

    1. Absolutely antipixi- it's been great to have opportunities to meet up and play some fun games together. More games is always an excellent idea!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Kym, hopefully 2018 will live up to my hopes!

  3. It's been really fun following your progress this year thanks for posting.
    Happy New year!

    1. Thanks very much! I'm pleased to hear you like the stuff I shove out :)

  4. I really should take a leaf out of your book; my 2017 has been a pitiful affair on the modelling/gaming front.

    Maybe next year will be better.

    1. Routine works for me (although I know not everyone likes routine). Good luck for 2018!

  5. Hell of a summary. Not sure if it's inspirational or depressing. Either way it oozes undeniable coolness.

    1. Hopefully it's not depressing! I can live with undeniable coolness though ;)

  6. Wow! You have been a busy boy haven't you :)

    That's quite an impressive amount of gaming you've managed to attend this year too Axiom. Looks like this year is shaping up to be busier than the last.

    Cheers mate :)

    1. I have been a busy boy and it's playing games with folks like your good self that makes it all so much fun :)

  7. A cracking year by any measure. I've really enjoyed your terrain posts in particular. Best of luck for 2018!

    1. Thanks Michael, I've a stack of terrain to work on for the new year, so hopefully you won't be disappointed!

  8. Great roundup and best wishes for 2018! May your dice roll high.

    1. Thanks very much! Hope you have a great 2018 too :)

  9. That's quite and output there Jon! Glad we got to meet up for BOYL can't wait to do it again sometime. Have a Happy New Year M8!

    1. Absolutely, BOYL was one of the highlights of the year. Have a happy New Year too :)

  10. Your metronomic progress shows how discipline can really pay off.

    I hope that 2018 is just as good :)

    1. Gotta meet the monthly production quotas ;)

      I hope it happens in 2018 too!

  11. great output and you've inspired me more than once this year to try out projects I'd never have considered otherwise - oh and I have painted my stealers except their hyborks do they count? more terrain please.

    1. Thanks John! It's great to hear that feedback. More terrain is forthcoming, don't worry :)

  12. Cool 'flashback photos' and you even have a chart and all :) Solid productivity with great results.

  13. Wonderful year indeed hobby wise !
    You seem to manage more and better at the same time and it's a delight for us !

  14. Discipline. Routine. Yes, that's it. Well done! I should try that again one of these days.
