Friday 24 September 2021

Olleystronauts Part 2 - Painting the Crew

In my last post I covered the building of my Stargrave crew based nearly entirely on Bob Olley's Iron Claw jump troopers. This post shows off the newly painted crew in their pristine Space Fleet (or possibly Star Trooper?) uniforms.

I decided to go for a slightly cleaner sci-fi look than I usually go for as I felt that the sculpts were closer to The Expanse than the Imperial stylings of the 41st Millennium. So the crew got functional grey uniforms with eye-catching yellow trim!

Here's the crew as I'm playing them in Stargrave:

Captain & First Mate


Gunner and Robot Sentry

Chiseller & Hacker

All in all I'm very pleased with how they've come out. I'm pretty confident that this might be the first ever unit of Iron Claw jump troopers in existence (happy to be corrected if someone got there before me!). I love the look and I'm really pleased to have been able to execute the crew with around 90% of components sculpted by Bob Olley!

I'm even more pleased that for the first time in over a year, I was able to play a miniatures game. My good friend Graham hosted me in my first game of Stargrave (which predictably saw my newly painted crew performing abysmally!). Hope you like the crew and enjoy checking out some actual game pics below:


  1. The team underperforming on its first mission is a proof of how good it is !

  2. Haha! Yep, you didn't have to wait long 😄

    Really glad you think they all came together - it's what I'm aiming for, so delighted you think so!

  3. I absolutely love the colors! It works so well to have them grey with yellow highlights. What a great crew!

    1. Thanks Hobbs! I was going for a pretty up to date sci-fi scheme. Glad it works for you.

  4. Excellent work! Love those old Bob Olley sculpts.

  5. It amazes me that such a dark palette works so incredibly well and how you made them stand out. Cool!
    Kudos to that game! Hooray!

    1. Thanks Suber! I think the trick with a dark colour scheme is to make sure there's some contrast and focal points - the yellow really helped!

  6. Brilliant - great conversions and a top-notch paint job. A very pleasing unit.

  7. Nicely done axiom, nicely done indeed :)
