Wednesday 7 January 2015

"I've Gotta Get A Message To You" - Rogue Trader Astropath Korm

If you polled a 100 people and asked them which human character type defined Warhammer 40k, I guess most would plump for Space Marines. Some might go for Imperial Guard; others might pick Inquisitors. For me, the key to the Warhammer 40,000 universe is the humble member of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica - more commonly known as Astropaths.

Astropath illustration from the Rogue Trader rulebook

An Astropath will tell you everything you need to know about Age of the Imperium in the 41st Millennium - his or her hooded robe tells epitomises the idea of the Middle Ages in space. You can understand psykers, the risk of daemonic possession, and the Terran-bound Emperor to which they are soul-bound. You get the sense of the vastness and fragility of humankind - a million, million worlds linked by warp-space travel and psychic voices communicating with each other across the void.

Astropaths are a recurrent theme in Citadel's miniatures output; 6 models have been produced (5 by Citadel, one by Forgeworld) at fairly regular intervals - the first in 1987 and the most recent in 2008. I hadn't painted one since about 1990, but seeing as I plan to paint up all 6 models as a mini-collection, I thought I'd start with one of the Rogue Trader originals, Astropath Korm:

I stuck to traditional colours on Korm - a green robe, white cane and pale flesh. I painted his eyes white and washed the eye sockets with a bit of purple (perhaps resulting from the soul-binding).

I love the simplicity of the sculpt - he just has a robe and hooded jacket, shoulder bag and a cane - nothing more is needed. The whole character of the model is portrayed with his gaunt face and his searching, but unseeing eyes.

Inquisitor Dirske commands Astropath Korm to send an urgent message to his superiors.

I look forward to painting the next Astropath - whenever that might be!


  1. That last picture i sthe real deal, that's just the level of grim darkness I like, no need for loads of decoration , that astropath is barely weraing nothing but an old weathered robe and yet you get the setting immediately when you see him next to the grotesquely overequipped inquisitor.
    A wonderful sculpt I hope to get someday and a brilliantly fitting paintjob, That makes my day.

    1. "Grotesquely overequipped" - a brilliant description! I can honestly say that I always considered this Astropath the be the lesser sculpt to Yerl (the taller Jes Goodwin one). However after painting him, I think he's got a lot more narrative and it wrong to say that? ;)

  2. Again, the simplicity of the mini is what makes it beauty. There are minis that are supposed to be baroque and some supposed to be simple. Your paintjob gives it a quality plus, really like it :)

  3. Excellent work on this guy...he really fits the role perfectly. I may need to track him down for my gaming as well...youve convinced me!

    1. Cheers Blue - glad I could persuade you :)

  4. Awesome skin tone on the astropath. I agree that you have really brought out the character in him. He has a real eerie way about him.

  5. Good points about the definitive nature of the Astropath.

    Inquisitors and Adeptus Mechanicus define the setting for me, with Navigators and Astropaths coming in next I think. The AdMech, Navigators and Astropaths all define how the Imperium functions, whereas the Marines are incidental, regardless of how I like/dislike their different iterations.

    Great work on this guy, as stated elsewhere. Which one are you painting next?

    1. Which Astropath? Probably the other RT one (Yerl?). I need to repair a slight miscast on his rosary but otherwise he's good to go. A couple of other figures are ahead in the queue though :)


  6. Adeptus terra adminstratum for me ! but astropaths a close second

    lovely paint work on that guy , i had that mini a long time ago.. I have always liked the original JB astropath painted mini , no green in it at all it looked so voodoo to me and reminded me of the sightmaster from the sorcery series !

    not sure if you have seen this , but it turns out astrotelepathy is real !

    look forward to seeing the rest painted up !

    1. Thanks Neil :) I've not planned an administratum figure of any kind yet. I guess Jes Goodwin's sketch would be a suitable Oldhammer starting point ;)

      The JB astropath with the owl on his shoulder? I love that conversion too. A little blue IIRC, but no green!
