Tuesday 23 May 2023

The Rolling Messiah (Colony 87 by Crooked Dice)

When I handed over the reins of Colony 87 to Crooked Dice a few years back, I didn't know what to expect in terms of the future range. Happily Karl has thrown a load of hard work and magic at the range, and grown it beyond my imagination. The Rolling Messiah from the Market Folk set is a brilliant example of what I always hoped the range would be - characterful sci-fi civilians that simply don't exist elsewhere.

I had a spare few hours the other evening so pulled out the Rolling Messiah and got him painted up just because I fancied it. It was a quick and dirty paintjob that I very much enjoyed blasting through. I imagine he'll appear in lots of scenic shots, speeding around the streets on his rickety little cart!


  1. What a characterful model! He looks great, as does the whole setup.

    1. Thanks Toby! I was quite pleased with the scenic set-up this time. Feels nice and dynamic.

  2. Saw plenty of people like these on my honeymoon cruise, early 2020. They blocked off access to the buffet's and burger bar and made for slow going around the decks in general.

    Love the sculpt though - yet another fun colourful character just as you describe.

    1. There can't be many worse things than blocking access to a buffet 😅

      Cheers Dai!

  3. Oh, I clearly have to reconnect with Colony 87, I still have some models to paint, but this one is so inspired! Cool paintjob, calling the eye for attention but not overdone at all. Cool!

    1. Thanks Suber! I'm a little behind with C87 models myself (there are nearly 100 in the range now). Plenty to pick and choose from 🙂

  4. So is there a plan yet to have Hel's Reach go-cart racing yet? Fun model. I can see him fitting into some of your other groups, or just the background, pretty easily.

    1. No firm plan for go-carting, but it's something that some other gaming mates have already mentioned! I can't see any reasons for not wanting to do it!!

  5. They've done great things with the range. I was worried at first, but I am incredibly pleased now. Great stuff!
