Thursday, 13 October 2022

Five Parsecs From Home Crew #4 - Hive Worlder


The Rogue Trader Adventurers range is a goldmine of fantastic characters, and I've been wanting to find a purpose for the Hive Worlder for some time. He's a fun mix of primitive and tech with his crossbow pistol and leather jacket rubbing nicely alongside his power armoured legs* and chainsword.

*Asslessman maintains that these have no power source so must result in him walking like he's wearing ski boots.

Grits, Human Ganger

Five Parsecs from Home profile:
Crew type: human; Background: primitive; Motivation: fame; Class: ganger
When I rolled up this character I knew that it was perfect for the Hive Worlder - a low-tech ganger who dreams of interstellar notoriety!

Stargrave type:

I confess that the red leather jacket is totally ripped off from my good friend Cheetor's Five Parsecs crew (I thought it would be fun to have an ex-member of his crew hanging around with my crew). But then his crew is based on the red leather clad Ravagers from Guardians of the Galaxy, so it's fair game!

Spin-Off Project: Max and Maddie Mannix

I was looking around for other figures that might fit with Grits aesthetically, and turned up the Mannix twins. These were sculpted by Drew Williams and originally exclusive figures for members of a Facebook group. They're now in production by Crooked Dice as part of the Colony 87 range.

Max got a nice pair of red leather trousers, whilst Maddie has a leather jacket in the same vein as Grits. 

Both are excellent models - nice and chunky old-school sculpts that work really well alongside the Rogue Trader figure.

This looks like the start of another future gang!


  1. They're a perfect match !
    I love that mix of state of the art and low end tech in one character, with Phil Oakey's hairdo on top, what's not to like ?

    1. Glad you like them! High and low tech on the same model makes for a really compelling character in my view.

  2. A very cool trio. I love how the old RT stuff had unrefined chainswords, and a crossbow. Why not. Great color choices. I love how the red works well with the whites. Excited to see this 5P crew complete!

    1. I guess if you can't get hold of a rusty handgun, there's no way you can get a laspistol. The crossbow is the only realistic option!

  3. Very nice! They've got a good Mad Max/80s Cyberpunk feel. I like the colour scheme.

    1. Cheers Toby. That Mad Max type vibe is 100% up my street - the dangerous and gritty look really appeals to me.

  4. That kid has an late 80's early 90's anime feel to his design. I approve wholeheartedly.

    This trio are great. Wish worldwide shipping wasn't so outrageous as Crooked Dice would be getting a lot of my disposable cash otherwise.

    1. Thanks Dai! I wonder what a RT anime series would look like. Very cool I suspect.

      The global shipping issue works both ways. I used to nut from the US frequently 5 or 6 years ago, but almost never do now.

  5. The RT random equipment tables were nuts. I can imagine grits as a computer game character that the player equips with the best whatever they find. Power armor boots, sweet! That's +10 armor, doubling the protection from my leather jacket! Screw guns, the ammo costs too much and the crossbow does a point less damage and is free to fire!

    1. The only downside to those power armour boots is a -75% modifier to movement until he can afford to buy a power pack!

      Canny work with that crossbow selection though 🤓

    2. I don't need to move fast. I'm a ranged build. The enemies come to me if they melee, and I can out shoot almost anything. I'll just unequip the boots if I have to run away.... *something something min-max something something*

    3. 😂😂😂

  6. They look so lovely! I'm afraid I'm with Asslessman, I cannot unsee the ski boots thing now :D
    Cool job, they look great together, nice job tying them in, fantastic job!

    1. 😆 oh well, ski boots it is then! Cheers Suber.
