Tuesday 2 August 2022

Preaching to the Masses - Archdeacon Konstantin

When I posted my first group of Ministorum figures a few weeks back, I mentioned that I was working on some other figures to add to the group. This latest figure is probably the most over-the-top, overtly 40k Gothic thing I've ever made, and I really enjoyed dialling up the religiosity levels! After all, if you've going to be an elderly member of the clergy of some seniority who has a duty to go on the streets to keep the congregation in line, then you most certainly would go out on a comfy tracked chair-pulpit decked with your favourite icons and lines of scripture!

The Archdeacon is based on the fantastic Adeptus Mechanicus mobile pulpit from the relatively recent Imperial / Necron Battlezone Objective set. I replaced the narrow chair with one from the Kill Team: Rogue Trader box and then liberally added purity seals and icons to make it feel more Ministorum. I replaced the front piece with a Necromunda objective and widened the lectern by adding the storm bolter and a little ledge for a prayer book.

The Archdeacon himself is based on Aun Va, the Tau special character. I didn't do very much beyond sculpting a nose and new left hand, as well as filling in some of the gaps with cushions and robes.

The books were made by carving plasticard into vaguely book-like shapes!

I painted the model in 3 separate components (track unit, chair & Archdeacon, lectern) before assembling and tidying up any small areas I needed to repaint.

I painted the Archdeacon fully even though his legs and front are largely obscured by the lectern.

The finished model is hugely impractical, but perfectly 40k in a lot of ways!

I attempted to paint some illuminated pages on his big holy book!

All in all I've ended up with a fun character - a wizened elderly priest who still has the fire and the passion to get out on the streets and instruct his congregation on their sinful natures!


  1. Great idea and execution ! This ecclesial assembly you're gathering is an awesome group of miniatures, can't wait to see more :D

    1. Thanks Merlin! For transparency, I did see an Adeptus Arbites Judge using similar bits first - I just went down a more religious route. I have more of this group on the workbench currently, so hopefully it won't be too long before the group grows again.

  2. This leader is amazing. A priest in his mobile high-chair! Love it, and yes... VERY 40k.

    1. Thanks Hobbs! I can't think of anything more fitting than an absurdly impractical mobile preaching unit πŸ™‚

  3. Every self-respecting priest wants their finger on the trigger as they dispense the Emperor's justice - it keeps it real!

  4. This is insanely good, what a piece of genius!! Kind of reminds me of Inquisitor Karamazov on his monster-walker-thing, but I like this approach much more! Cool job!

    1. The Inquisitor Karamazov model is fun, but definitely not subtle! I secretly would like to get one some day πŸ˜‰

      Cheers Suber!

  5. I feel like this contraption would have scripture inscribed on the treads in order to leave tracks of holy writ everyone it went (including over people). Very inspired concept.

    1. Scripture on the tracks is completely fitting! I'm not going to attempt to model it though!!

  6. What was mentioned before - amazing job!
    That scary dude spreading word of Emperor no matter terrain conditions is freaking out my poor scavvies! πŸ₯ΆπŸ˜‹

    1. Your scavvies sound like they are in dire need of hearing the word of the Emperor and receiving the benevolence of his ministorum!

  7. Brilliant build aside, those painted pages are freaking amazing! What gorgeous freehand. The intertwining greens look so fantastic.

    1. Thanks very much! I went for a pretty impressionistic approach with the pages as I'm not really up to anything more refined πŸ™‚

  8. This mini on this chair ... it works ... looks really cool.
