Thursday 24 February 2022

Welcome to Hyam's Landing

At first glance it might seem odd that the settlement of Hyam's Landing was ever founded. It occupies a dusty patch of plain that is remote from any major starport or what passes for a city on backwater fringe worlds. Water is hard to come by and the gases in the local atmosphere begin to corrode any structure almost as soon as it is constructed. But Hyam's Landing is ideally placed as a staging post for the long trading caravans that wend their way deeper into the interior. Prospectors and miners from the adjacent lowhills come to town with their finds and to spend their cash. And in spite of the presence of a foreboding Imperial Blockhouse and its garrison, the facilities offered by the discrete starport are attractive to off-world traders looking to keep a low profile.

I've been asked a few times to show off my terrain with a full table set up. This is a 4x4 table which includes all of my Necromunda and fringe world buildings, all of which have been painted in a complementary colour scheme. I didn't set up a larger table with my Helsreach style terrain as I don't have a big enough table at home to do it! I'm sure it would all mix in nicely though. The buildings area mix of scratchbuilds by Grimsforge, some made by me from Necromunda bulkheads and a couple of unreleased GW hardfoam habs. 

In so far as a set of terrain is ever complete, I think this is pretty close. I've got a nice mix of sizes and themes of buildings. I could probably do with a few more walls and fences though.

The bazaar is my favourite building to date. I plan to complement it by adding some of the Necromunda market stalls.

Currently everything is laid onto a flat mat. I'd like to add in some different heights with some risers, and also perhaps some area terrain (rubble, scrap piles etc) to increase the texture of the playing surface.


Any new additions will of course be covered in future posts!


  1. Well the big reveal didn't disappoint !

  2. Replies
    1. Bookings in the local hostelry are available!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks buddy! Always nice to hear that from a world-builder of your stature 🙂

  4. oh very nice indeed. The mat should sit nicely on top of something underneath to give the ground contours, I expect?

    1. That's something I haven't explored yet - definitely worth looking at. Cheers!

  5. O fantastic! Thanks for showing off this lovely old-west-in-space feel settlement. I think all the small additions you've described will just add even more detail and flavour to an already gorgeous game table.

    1. Old-West and sci-fi are a really lovely blend to my eyes - glad it's not just me! Thanks Dai!

  6. Thanks for sharing this ! This board is truly great !

  7. Standing ovation! I have a soft spot for this kind of buildings, but the whole display looks awesome!

    1. You and I have very similar tastes. I reckon we could combine our terrain into a rather splendid looking board too!

  8. Brilliant! So good to see it all on the table together. It's really complemented by your diverse array of denizens. Although I was a bit worried to see the bombot nonchalantly wheeling through town!

    1. Glad you enjoyed seeing everything all set up. As for the bombot - that is a worry but it demonstrates the reckless nature of the residents that a bombot is used for menial tasks!!

    2. Yes, very inspirational. It was cool to be reminded of all your past builds too.

      For the bombot, you'd want to pick your menial tasks carefully I'd think!

    3. Something with minimal risk of bump or knocks I would think!

  9. Well done Axiom! Very inspiring stuff. The market really is a particularly nice touch. Every town needs one. It's past time to add some more business to Logansport, and maybe it's time to get working on Proserpine too. Well and truly glorious!

    1. Really glad you approve! I've been looking enviously at your set-ups for inspiration.

    2. There's a lot of back and forth, then, given that the Proserpine street scene I threw together was heavily inspired by your post from when you made the umbrella thing and all the posts on the Necromunda habs in stacks. :D That said, if we can keep inspiring each other all the better!

  10. That aerial overhead view looks fantastic. Gives the terrain a proper sense of gravitas!

    1. Thanks! I wanted to make sure I got everything in a single shot 🙂

  11. It's really bustling with life! Someday I hope to have a table as cohesive and enticing for a game as this!

    1. Thanks Hobbs! It's been a long process, but I've thoroughly enjoyed putting it all together.

  12. I love all these buildings. Real sense of place seeing them all as individual pieces. Love to see some hills in this set too though, so you can do some shots of the buildings rising up before you on a slope.

    1. Thanks Curis! I've been mulling over how best to get some height. I'm thinking about some sort of terrace with stepped access and retaining walls. I reckon that might fit the look!
