Monday 16 August 2021

Getting the Contractors in - Scratchbuilt Buildings

Generally I prefer to make my own models and terrain, but every so often there are projects where a specialist is required! In this instance, I wanted some more buildings in the same vein as my prototype hardfoam GW habs. Whilst it might be within my capability to construct something in the same aesthetic, some of the construction techniques looked beyond me, especially when it came to some of the more interesting shapes.

The settlement just keeps on growing!

I decided that it would be better if I spent my time working on other projects and outsourcing the scratchbuilding to somebody with more skill and experience, so I called on Graham aka Grimsforge. I tasked Graham with building me five buildings that replicated the look and feel of the hardfoam habs. I first gave Graham a set of sketches to work up:

Graham did a fantastic job of turning these sketches into 3D reality using polystyrene, card and hardboard amongst other materials:

Typically, I was really excited when I received the buildings, but then did nothing with them for 18 months. Happily, I have now painted the first three smaller buildings and have the other two larger buildings WIP.

The storage hab

I envisage this small hab as a little structure for storage, with a small covered room and an enclosed yard. The building got the usual weathered grey paint job with some colour detailing around the yard entrances.

The walkway house

I wanted a covered walkway to reference Western buildings or Australian outback structures. A splash of colour was added with the red roof, and the owner's name on the corrugated roof.

The fuel store

This is my favourite of the three buildings. I just love the roof-mounted tank and associated pipework. I did add a few safety notices on the tank and the door just to comply with local regulations!

Hopefully you like them - be sure to check out Graham's other fantastic work on his Facebook page. I'm looking forward to getting the other two finished and getting them onto the table.


  1. Replies
    1. Cheers Jason! Really nice to get them painted and show off Graham's excellent scratchbuilding skills.

  2. These look great. You must have quite an urban sprawl by now.

    1. Thanks Preacher! Out of interest I just totted it up. I think I have:

      7 fringe world habs / buildings
      6 Necromundan habs
      12 Helsreach adobe buildings
      3 barracks
      1 scrap Fort
      6 miscellaneous structures/ ruins

      Plus there's some older Mantic terrain I need to dig out and refurbish!

  3. Brilliant! Both the builds and the paint jobs. I'm watching closely as I plan to build a city once I have some minis complete for Stargrave.

    1. Thanks Hobbs! Next step really should be a full table setup.

  4. Graham seems very good at what he does. I like the paint jobs too, very fitting with what you already have.

    I think once you have painted the other two, that perhaps a big full town pic might be in order?

    1. You're right Dai, I'm in awe of Graham's skills! Glad you like them.

      I really should set up that town pic. I just need to reserve the kitchen table for a few hours 😉

  5. They're absolute wins, I couldn't have told they're such scratch builds which is the best thing. The cohesion os great and playability as well.

    1. Thanks JB! It's a testament to some really excellent modelling skills from Graham.

  6. I like them a lot! You really knew who to commission (which is quite an important thing) and he certainly knew how to turn this project into something recognizable yet fresh. I also love the paintjob, which is what gives full coherence to the whole group. I simply love them!

    1. Thanks Suber, really glad you like them. I'm definitely in favour in bringing in the right people with the right skills!

  7. I need to build more buildings. These look gret.
