Tuesday 20 November 2018

One Shot, One Kill - Long Ranged Cult Disciple

When I originally planned my Necromunda chaos cult, I knew I wanted a disciple (champion) with a heavy stubber. It was later suggested to me that a disciple with a long rifle would be fun. A high quality ranged shooter in Necromunda is always a useful thing, and a long rifle has pretty fun stats - S4 like a boltgun, positive to hit modifiers at long range (and the maximum range is long - 48"!). Not to mention the knockback ability which can hurl targets into other models, walls, or even off gantries.

It just so happened that back in 2015 when I was making some completely unrelated chaos cultists in pink, I had criminally decapitated a Jes Goodwin skaven champion with a jezail. He had sat unpainted in a pile for over three years, so I took the opportunity to look at him a second time.

Unfortunately I didn't photograph the original conversion. Essentially it was the skaven champion with the head of a half-orc, complete with signature skaven feet and skaven robes. I very nearly painted the figure there and then. But after a moment's reflection, I decided that the short stature and recognisable silhouette needed a touch more modification to create the character I wanted. So I hacked the figure in half. What followed was a nervy half hour where I attempted to locate some legs that might gel well with the upper body, and with the look already sported by the other cult members.

In the end I settled on the legs from a wounded Imperial Guardsman. I joined the two pieces together before adding a selection of bags and pouches to conceal the cut marks. On the rear I had to repair some of the damage to the robes (now tunic).

At this stage, I still wasn't sure if the figure would hang together. But I did like the pose and the presence that the figure had gained with the extra height.

Happily, with a paint scheme tying everything together, Dolor, my new disciple has exactly the look I was hoping for. The half-orc head and over-long fingers give him enough of a mutie look to blend in with the rest of the cult, while the Imperial Guardsman legs are ragged enough to not look out of place against his tunic.

He's got a few elements to suggest that he's in the higher echelons of the cult (his big jewelled broach and ritual bodypaint). Whilst I was painting him I decided to add in a classic chaos familiar too - familiars can be taken as protective wargear by chaos cultists.

Hopefully he'll prove to be as effective in games as I'm anticipating!


  1. It's a fantastic combo and I have to say I never regretted the champion with long rifle I got for my Nomads as well !

    1. Excellent. I value your weaponry recommendation! Cheers :)

  2. He hangs together very well indeed to say that he's a combination of skaven, half-orc and imperial guardsman! Also, I like the gaiters as they hark back to the military uniform, and I've always been fond of the way that most modern Chaos Cultists look like they're wearing degraded former IG uniforms. It kind of works well with the narrative that they're demobbed guardsmen that have fallen on hard times in civilian life and only have their old gear to wear, also maybe their PTSD and trauma makes them ripe for recruiting by cults as well.

    1. I think it helps that the anatomical strangeness is less of an issue on a mildly mutated character. Perhaps he was kicked out of the Guard for his over-long fingers? :D

    2. "Long fingers - all the better for pointing out contradictions in the Imperial Creed with..."

    3. Someone has to operate all those cogitators too ;)

  3. Wow Jon, that's some stellar conversion work there mate!

    I would have thought that the upper body would have been to small, on the proportion side, to be combined with a human body, but it isn't....the arms are long enough. I wonder, are all skaven like this?

    Another Jon special rolls off of the production line. Well done :)

    1. Thanks Shane! The upper body on the skaven was actually pretty big - lots of bulk from the layered clothing and long arms. He did have short legs though!

  4. This might be one of my favorite conversions you've ever done. Flawless!

    1. Cheers! There's something about the classic pointing pose that really appeals to me too!

  5. I agree with Tom...this is insanely cool...

    1. Thanks Blue! As it happens, these lads are inured to insanity in the rules, so perhaps they're just cool ;)

  6. Another great conversion not to mention courage to carry it through.

    1. Thanks John! It is always a fearful time when you make the first cut - you never really know if it's going to work out!

  7. Great work on the conversion, and hopefully the long rifle proves useful in game too.

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping he'll be a long ranged menace.

  8. Man, this is inspired. The mini looks classic yet new. Extra points for... well, for everything!!

    1. Thanks Suber! I'll save those points for future use!

  9. Great conversion--using different legs was the right choice otherwise it would have been too recognisable. Brilliant!

    1. Thanks Kym. I reckon you're right about the legs- keeping them wouldn't have been distinctive enough.

  10. Crap, that's amazing. Cleverly done indeed. Love his honker of a nose especially.

    1. Cheers! I suspect his lack of success finding a partner at underhive drinking holes may have been why he ended up joining a cult. People can be so judgemental of appearances!

  11. Cool conversion! I'll have to go hack up some of my stuff this winter.

    1. Can't wait to see the results of your butchery!!

  12. Lovely figure. I fear there will now be a sniper arms race.

    1. It's already close! I'm aware of at least one gang in our group also sporting a long rifle, and another with a long-las.

  13. Converting a ratman into a man is a real mission. And you've pulled it off to create a super unique miniatures. Lovely work.

    1. Thanks Curis! I've been looking at the rest of the skaven range in a new light since I made this guy. I wonder what else I can make?!

  14. Colour scheme looks great for the subject matter.

    1. Thanks! I like the contrast between the drab greys and tans, and the disco pink.
