Friday, 7 February 2025

Hulking & Bloated - Muller Cult Brutes

It's no secret that I really enjoy adding in different-sized figures into a warband. A sneaky little fella rubbing shoulders with a big brute to contrast with the bulk of the 'normal-sized' crew. I wanted to repeat this with my Paul Muller cultists and settled on a pair of big brutes to add some real menace!

Both of the figures are Paul Muller sculpts that I've converted a little. The brute with the minigun is based on a Reaper Miniatures Dreg Chieftain. I didn't use the arms from the original figure, instead adding a gun from Victoria Miniatures and sculpting new beefy arms from the wrist upwards. The backpack is from a classic Necromunda heavy.

I thickened the backpack straps slightly before painting the brutes.

The brute with the big club is a Heresy Miniature Ghoul King. I added a pistol and pouches (both plastic GW bits) and sculpted a belt. The original figure is wielding a spade, so I replaced both ends to give him something a bit more brutal to fight with!

The paint scheme is the same as for the cultists. Plenty of fleshy areas meant these were relatively quick to paint with drybrushing and washes. The only new colour to the palette is the ginger hair (nicely contrasting with the pallid skin I think!).

Both sculpts are a joy to paint - full of character and menace, with really beautifully sculpted anatomy. I love the little details like the pliers at the waist of the dreg chieftain (presumably for cracking bones to get a the marrow?) and the rat on the ghoul king's shoulders. It's also really nice that the style and scale is common to both figures, even though they were sculpted for different manufacturers and ranges.

You can't really see it too well, but the red blog on the thigh is actually a little spider.

More lovely Muller sculpts to come as I ontinue to build out this band of cultists.


  1. Yes these are really effective.

  2. I've always loved Muller's GW ghoul sculpts.

  3. That's quite a creative repurposing for these minis, I love what you did!

  4. Just big enough to look "Chaos-y" out of place, but not so much that they should be in a group of their own. Excellent additions.

    1. Thanks Dai. Yes - they need to look like the big ugly brothers that get kept in an attic or cellar. Part of the family, but not invited to formal social occasions 😄
