Tuesday 9 April 2024

Pirates on Board - Squat Surfers

On Saturday just gone I attended the inaugural Lead & Steel event at The Outpost in Sheffield - a new and hopefully regular event on the Oldhammer calendar. I took part in a multiplayer game of Necromunda set in the badlands town of Far Corfe (more on that in the next post). The game required a small gang plus some vehicles. I decided I was going to use my squat pirates, but needed a few more vehicles to accompany the crew and their only existing vehicle, the Annihilator. First up - some powerboards!

What's that in the background? You'll have to wait until the next post.

This pair of powerboarding squats would proxy as jetbikers. I went for vintage Citadel powerboards (usually seen with the 2000AD sky surfers) and a pair of suitably posed squats to ride them. I realise that one is a biker rather than a pirate, but I figured he fits in well enough!

The arms were from various sources, including a few period-correct squat plastic ones. Hopefully the surfer posing works and they look suitably dynamic!

I enjoyed using these lads in the game - they had a 72" move and spent most of their time hoovering up loot counters. More on the game next time!


  1. Haha, true classic vibe! They look really cool, and I'm looking forward to the skull thing in the back of that pic!

    1. Cheers Suber! The skull thing will come very soon - it's just about the most stupid yet fitting thing I could think of for these lads!

  2. Squats on surfs are hugely satisfying and their laid back pose really suits them (as far as my non existent surfing knowledge can tell), it also suits the pirate theme with the nautic vibe and the fact they can atack from the sky so it really is a coalescence of good ideas here, nice one Jon.

    1. Thanks JB! I had a few options for the riders, but the poses on this pair seemed to fit best. I like the additional justification for making them - it makes even more sense now ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. That is so 1988 I can even hear the soundtrack! I love it!

    1. Now, I wonder what tracks would actually be playing?! I can't work out whether it would be hair metal or something in a more new romantic vein ๐Ÿ˜„

  4. Those are proper oldhammer! The old squats really suit surfboards. By the way, is there an Oldhammer calendar? The only event I can think of is BOYL, which I keep meaning to go to.

    1. Thanks Toby! Glad you approve of these lads ๐Ÿ™‚

      I'm not aware of any formal calendar - it's pretty free-form and irregular apart from BOYL! Lead & Steel was advertised on a few of the Oldhammer Facebook groups, so that's probably the best placecto keep an eye on.

    2. Thanks, I'll have a look at that.
