Monday 19 June 2023

WarFactory Ventolin Pirates

The classic Rogue Trader adventurers range is full of iconic miniatures. Most are individual characters, but there are a couple that are crying out for some companions. The Ventolin Pirate is a great example, and Aidan Boustred over at WarFactory has digitally sculpted some fantastic homage figures - the STLs are being made available as part of a fundraiser for Ukraine. Check out the details over at: WarFactory

5-man squad of Ventolin Pirates.

There are currently 11 different digital sculpts available for download - 6x troopers with las rifles, 1x laser cannon, 1x missile launcher, 1x sergeant and 2x leaders. I've painted up a squad of 5 and am currently working on the remaining 6 figures.

I went for a classic red and black combo - these guys will see action alongside my Khornate renegades and will be perfect pirate troopers for Stargrave. I don't particularly enjoy batch painting, but attempted to give these guys a quick but effective paintjob - steps as below:

  1. Undercoat Citadel grey seer
  2. Paint red armour with Citadel flesh tearers contrast
  3. Drybrush red armour with a mid orange
  4. Paint all remaining areas black
  5. Drybrush boots, pack, pouches and helmet with a light grey
  6. Paint guns, grenades and details dark metallic silver
  7. Wash black and metallic areas with a black wash
  8. Paint eye lenses with a pale blue (Citadel blue horror)
  9. Add Citadel nihilakh oxide around lenses
  10. Spot highlight metallics with a bright silver

All in all, I'm very happy with the results - the figures are nicely eye-catching, but didn't suck up a huge amount of time. I'm looking forward to finishing the other squad.

Comparison of the original 1980s physical sculpt (left) versus the digital sculpt.

Aidan has done a great job, not only in matching the details, but also matching the proportion and chunkiness of the original.


  1. Very nice! A true homage! Although, being an asthmatic all my life, I always get this weird smirk at GWs tongue-in-cheek reference to the most common asthma medication at the time and given the original miniature is wearing what looks to be an old-school NHS nebuliser. 😅

    1. I still have Ventolin inhalers even now. Perhaps I should have used them as the basis for the colour scheme 😄

    2. You should create a rival warband that includes Becotide in the name! 😋

    3. Actually, thinking on it, Becotide sounds like an awfully good name for some Eldar pirates; The Becotide Corsairs! 🧝‍♀️

    4. I'm 100% on board with that concept!

  2. Oh, man, this is good! Love the whole vibe, and the colour combo is a total win for sure!!

    1. Thanks Suber! I can't work out whether the colours are suitably Khornate, or (as cheetor said) 1980s Saturday morning cartoon villain!!

  3. Red and Black pirates look so sinister! Love the coloring on them. The glowing eyes are a great detail too! Great work on some great models. I'm looking forward to painting more of them myself!

    1. I was pleased with the glowing eyes - hadn't tried it before and it looks pretty good I reckon. Thanks Hobbs!

  4. Red ones are both faster and evil - it is known. :) Love the scheme mate!

    Digi-sculpts are so good and match the old fig perfectly.

    1. Glad you approve of the red and black! Cheers Dai.

  5. Really stunning work on these - simple but effective, these are perfect pirate troopers.

    1. Thanks Bill! Exactly what I was aiming for 🙂
