Monday 9 January 2023

Staring into the Void - Navigator

I wanted something relatively quick and easy to paint up as my first figure of 2023, so I decided to pick something from my boxes that was long overdue. I'm a firm believer in salvaging all of the off-cut components from my conversion projects as they nearly always get recycled into new projects. This figure is a good example of that, using the torso of the Imperial assassin who donated her legs to a chaos cultist in November 2018, and the body of a fantasy cleric whose head is now sported by a renegade Inquisitor.

The new Navigator flanked by a junior member of the house and her personal servant.

I'm not sure exactly when I did the greenstuff work on the figure, but it would have been early 2019, shortly after converting the renegade Inquisitor. In hindsight, it looks a bit shoddy in places, but it's just about passable! The main bulk of the converting work was to cut away the original cleric torso and trim the assassin's torso to fit the void.

I'm still not entirely satisfied with all the drapery going on, especially that long piece over her shoulder. I remember that the original cleric shape was quite masculine, hence the work to accentuate her hips.

Perhaps I should have added a little dagger to the hand concealed behind her back!

I kept the painting very simple, although I did change the waist sash and headband from a lilac to the dark blue-green, as it was all going a bit Catholic church!I wish the final paint scheme wasn't quite so shiny - I don't know why it is - there are two coats of matt varnish on the figure!

My favourite part about this paint job is the little navigator symbol at the bottom of her shoulder sash. I usually mess up tiny freehand like that, but this time it worked out. 

Q. a group of Navigators is called a what?


  1. She is a very tidy conversion! I love the Navigator lore in 40k (even if it was nearly fully ripped off from Frank Herbert's Dune series).

    Oh, and A. A Triquetra of Navigatorii

    1. Ripping off a good idea was pretty much the default for early 40k! The triquetra definitely works for this group 🙂

  2. Nice simple subject, I like her very much. Detail is all understated in a way that doesn’t diminish her authority as a character.

    A. Midshipmen would say (behind closed doors) a “gaggle of loonies”, but the official term per Terran basic dictionary volume 465.2 is “an assemblage”.

    1. Thanks Dai. I do like a simple neutral pose on a figure - perhaps that helps define the character.

      I like the "gaggle of loonies" term - feels appropriate!

  3. Dammit, once again I'm mesmerised by the results. Knowing the source mini, it looks like a totally fresh new model, I can't believe it. Fantastic job (again!)

    1. Thanks Suber! That's one of the best things about conversions - they can create some really surprising and unusual figures 🙂

  4. She's great! Now knowing she's a model built from your bitz box and imagination makes her even better!

    1. Thanks Hobbs! Bits box builds are always hugely satisfying.

  5. Excellent conversion. Nicely done.
