Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Stargrave Bestiary: Mindgrippers / Necromunda Ripper Jacks

Continuing with entries from the Stargrave Creature List, I decided to paint up a small group of Mindgrippers. These are Necromunda ripper jacks that my good friend Asslessman sent me the other week - they are perfect for represending the "parasitic monstrosities [that] are only slightly bigger than a rat and resemble a manta ray with little spider legs."

The unwary travel the lost ways of the Underhive at their peril!

I wanted a quick and simple paintjob on the ripper jacks, so stuck to drybrushing and washes. I used GW's Rakarth Flesh as the basecoat, with a heavy drybush of Pallid Wych Flesh over the top. I then gave them a flesh wash over the whole model and a glaze of yellow on the central body. The membrane flaps got washes of crimson, purple and finally blue at the edges. Then it was a second light drybrush over the raised central areas with Pallid Wych Flesh and finally a thinned brown wash over everything just to knock it back a little.

If I was self-critiquing, I guess these have turned out a little more bright and colourful than I really wanted. But equally they do look perfectly creepy, and they're ready to terrorise some sci-fi adventurers!


  1. They really look good and the colours are subdued enough for the purpose while still making them look organic so best f both worlds in my book.

    1. Glad you think so! Nice to get the thumbs up :)

  2. Nice paint job. I like the color combo, simple but effective. They look suitably menacing and alien. I completely forgot about them, so thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Hobbs! The inspiration for the sculpts is pretty evident, but its such an iconic scifi trope that it works across a lot of settings. Glad you approve of the colours.

  3. Really nice - I've not seen those models for ages! Who's the unfortunate-looking chap in the top picture, by the way?

    1. Thanks Toby! They're classic that are nice to get back to the table.

      The unwitting victim is from my chaos cult, converted from a Gothic Horror peasant: http://magpieandoldlead.blogspot.com/2018/12/its-long-shot-cultists-get-snipers-too.html

  4. Very Alien/s “facehuggers”, I approve. I think the bright colour scheme is representing their attack mode when their natural skin camo suddenly turns off as they leap upon their unsuspecting prey.

    1. Thanks Dai, I can buy into that skin colouration description!

  5. The way that you got these nasty little scamps to hang above the guy's head in the photo is hilarious. Truly a gem of an atmospheric shot, and worth the paint jobs all on its own!

    1. It was fun doing the staging for that pic, including sticking on upside down using blue tack!

  6. So cool!
    Always wanted to paint some for my scavvies but never got any of these on painting desk. Maybe inother life 😉

    Love these atmospheric pic you take - want moooar!

    1. I don't think you're alone in having wanted to paint these for ages - it's my first time too, and I always meant to get a beastmaster wyrd!

      I'll keep trying to take those scenic pics :)

  7. Eeeek! Scary! Flying facehuggers is kind of worst nightmare ever! Pretty cool paintjob!

    1. Thanks Suber! They're horrid beasties!

  8. Yay, good job on these. They are not cheap to come by...

    1. Thanks Skully! I'd dearly love another set of 6 really. They're almost impossible to track down these days though.

  9. Excellent work on those mind-rippers ... they look, well, excellent. Super job!
