Monday 9 July 2018

Choose Your Own Adventurers (Bonus Post): Isabelle Vienne, Space Amazon

It's been 6 months or so since my last visit to the Choose Your Own Adventurers project. In theory, I think it might be cheetor's turn, but seeing as he's enthusing about tiny little sailing ships, it might be a while yet before we restart things. Consider this a bonus post linked to the project!

That said, I wanted to include a female figure in with the rest of my Bratts. The space amazon from the RT adventurers range was a good candidate - what with her tremendous hair, love of bows and rather exotic outfit. Curis has of course, already painted his wonderful version of the space amazon for the project, so I figured I could include her as part of the Sutter Dukes with no real issues.

Bratts go hunting for spook amongst weird dome fungus growths.

Isabelle Vienne AKA The Duchess is an integral part of the Sutter Dukes' hierarchy, occupying a place in the inner circle along with the Magpie Dandy and Beau Rouge. Where many Bratts tend towards impulsiveness and impetuosity, Vienne is cool and calculating. Most of the more complex hunts and traps carried out by the Sutter Dukes are by her design. Her luxurious furs mark her out amongst many other Bratts who prefer silks, lace and expensive fabrics - they owe much to the exotic fashions of House Escher, even if the fighters of Escher wouldn't recognise the upper-Spire translations of their characteristic trappings

I painted Isabelle with the same palette as the rest of the Bratts yet again. I went for an off-white fur as the least intrusive addition to the scheme - introducing a brown or something else would have probably meant using a new colour that didn't appear on any of the other Bratts.

I'm most pleased with the stocking on her left leg. This was painted flesh colour then washed numerous times with a black wash to result in what I hope looks like translucent black stocking material. There were several points where I was convinced this was going to look absolutely rubbish, but I persevered and I think it came out OK.

Isabelle does differ stylistically from the rest of the Bratts, with her furs and archaic looking weaponry, but I think the colours help to tie her in sufficiently.

The full 10-strong Bratt gang, ready for games in a few weeks time.


  1. Nicely done - I will be shamelessly stealing the wash technique when it comes to painting the tights on some of the militia minis that I've got from Scotia Grendel.

    1. Thanks Carmine. My original thought was to mix in flesh with black, but that just ended up a sludgy grey. This approach seems to work pretty well :)

    2. Yeah, I was majorly lied to in primary school when it came to mixing paints to make different colours!

    3. I think many paints make sludgy colours when mixed ;)

  2. She looks great! The hair, the stocking (which works a treat) the whole scheme, it ties together marvelously, and she sits in with the gang like a natural.

    1. Thanks Mr Saturday! Glad you think she fits OK. I'd love to add some more girl Bratts, perhaps the Kinky Chaosette might be a potential addition?

    2. The Chaosette has all the accouterments required for Bratt membership, she'd be great. Does this mean you'll be converting such a rarity? She could have a riot shield, what about the axe? Would you swap it out?

    3. For fear of abuse, I'll reserve committing to convert or not to convert the Chaosette until the time comes. But I have thought about what work would be involved...she would probably get a totally new load-out - no axe, no shield!

  3. And one of those "why didn't I think about it" moments AGAIN !

    1. That's the joy of seeing what other people produce I think!

      Thanks JB :)

  4. I can easily imagine Isabelle as a recurring guest character in the Sutter Dukes TV show, the upspire contact that they meet every few episodes when they need to arrange/handle some issues beyond their usual reach.

    Isabelle shows up at a critical moment in every season finale, spectacularly firing her archeotech pistol.

    Great work, she fits in perfectly.

    As for CYOA, the ball has been in my court for ages, yes, sorry. I will get back to it, I promise.

    1. All we need is a pilot script, and some actors willing to wear bizarre outfits. I reckon there's some mileage in that show.

      Glad you like her cheetor! No rush on CYOA, honest :)

  5. It totally looks like a stocking. Good explanation of the method.

  6. Womens lingerie is something I've always wanted to know how to paint. Now I need look no further :P

    Seriously though Axiom, that's a nifty idea. I'm sure it'll come in handy in the future.

    She looks great mate, top shelf :)

    1. Just paint the figure nude then you can add the lingerie!

  7. Very nice; great work on the stocking too--very convincing!

    1. Thanks Kym! Glad I pulled off the stocking ;)

  8. Great work bringing out the details in her through your paint job!

    1. Thanks! It's a lot of fun painting figures and finding details you didn't know existed from the catalogue pages.

  9. Cos you've got the technique and colour down for Bratt hair you must have blasted through this paintjob she's so wee.

    Your semi-transparent stocking works a treat.

    Thanks for the shoutout.

    (Pst ... sho3box ... paint your Missionary Man.)

    1. She was significantly less of a time sink than the Bratt leader, no doubt! Cheers Curis :)
