Wednesday 18 September 2024

Ulanti Top Brass - Elite Leader & Champion

It's funny how you can warm to a project over a few weeks isn't it? I really didn't enjoy painting the first Confrontation Elite gangers, but I'm closing off the project with a final pair, and they were a lot of fun to paint up. This time round it's a bit of an imposter-leader model, plus a champion with the coolest heavy weapon there is: PLASMA!

Elite gangers may not be upper-hivers, but they are definitely classy!

The imposter-leader is actually a Colony 87 bodyguard character called Gregor Lunz from Crooked Dice. He was part of the Nobles set from the fourth Colony 87 Kickstarter and is a brilliant homage to the original Elite leader.

I converted the heavy with the plasma cannon from crewman from Bronzino's Galloper Guns Warhammer Dogs of War unit. This was a pretty simple job of replacing the ramrod arm with a plastic Necromunda Van Saar arm and adding a few details (holster, nose tube, decorative waist panels):

Once again, I painted them up in predominantly yellow & cream. The imposter-leader got a red hood rather than yellow just for variety. I also managed to work out a nice plasma glow on the cannon which I retrospectively added to the plasma gunner from the other week. Another minor irritation sorted!

Original & imposter leader figures side by side.

I enjoyed painting the mutant-dog beast in nice fleshy tones.

All in all, I have come round on the Elites. They do have a fun anachronistic mediaeval look that is also present in some of the other gangs like the Brats and Venators. Seeing them all together as a gang made me realise that they have a stronger visual identity than I originally thought.

With the Elites done, it could be argued that I've left the best Confrontation gang until last. I am very much looking forward to making a start on Jes Goodwin's gorgeous scavvy sculpts. Wish me luck!!



  1. Wow, you're really putting some serious work here and it pays off! Pretty nice approach, I love them!

    1. Thanks Suber! I've really enjoyed the last 10 years of making and painting these Confrontation figures, especially the problem-solving around model selection and conversions to build up the numbers of each gang.

  2. I do like the medieval vibe very much, perhaps a few armour glad figures might be fun to do or a herald?
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Hmmm, now there's an idea worth considering! Thanks Alan

  3. These are brilliant and I'm also loving the medieval look. The leader also gives me slight Moebius vibes - think it's his head dress. I'm not that well up on Necromunda so I don't know whether the inclusion of the dogs (mutant or otherwise) is your own twist or part of the game - either way, they're great!

    1. Thanks Thantsants! Dogs are very much part of Necromunda, so there's definitely a space for these 🙂

  4. Brilliant Axiom. Brilliant. Reminds me I need to get back to that Colony 87 Kickstarter. Some great folks in it. Love what you did with the Galopper Gun fellow. A most solid conversion. Well done!

    1. Thanks, glad you like the conversion! There's plenty of C87 options to get your teeth into.

  5. They look really nice and the style and colours tie them in together very nicely. That plasma conversion is excellent. Great work!

    1. Cheers Toby, glad you approve of these lads!
