Wednesday 13 September 2023

Dead or Alive? As Long As There's a Fee - Confrontation Bounty Hunters

There have been many Citadel sculptors, but I really wish that Roy Eastland had stayed with Citadel longer than he did. He was responsible for the delightfully chunky non-Copplestone tech gangers, the flamboyant puffed sleeved space marine scouts and a handful of skeletons. And that was about it! The highlight of Roy's output for Citadel for me though is the small set of five Confrontation bounty hunters. They are brilliantly grizzled and hard-bitten characters, with eccentric hairstyles and exotic gear - 100% Confrontation in fact!

I painted up one of the five as The Doc a few weeks ago, whilst another of the set was painted a few years ago as The Wolf of House Ulanti. I decided to paint up the other three and get the set completed.

A trio of bounty hunters seek an outlaw in a frontier settlement.

The original models were designed to be completed with plastic Confrontation bare arms or plastic Imperial Guard arms. Unfortunately due to the bulk of the torsos, the plastic arms aren't a great fit.

Bounty Hunter 1 - 'Brawler' Griegson

Griegson has a pair of arms taken from an original Necromunda plastic Orlock from the 1995 boxed set. The additional bulk works well with the broad torso and gives him a street-fighter look.

I went for quite a simple paint scheme, with just a few flashes of colour on the shoulder pad and rebreather tank to liven it up.

Bounty Hunter 2 - Jodo Logue

Logue has been given a cool custom boltgun with was originally on one of Gary Morley's brilliant Necromunda bounty hunters. The cupped hand around the mouth just worked nicely - it's from a Stargrave plastic set, with the rest of the arm sculpted . Really happy with the final pose.

I didn't have a clear vision for the colour scheme on Logue, other than I wanted to do some terracotta coloured trousers. I decided that the white armour might be a common bounty hunter trademark, so replicated it.

Bounty Hunter 3 - Heincal the Dog

The final bounty hunter was the most problematic in terms of working out arms. The very wide open stance and the position of the head made it tricky to find something that looked natural. At one point I had two pistols in a gunslinger vibe, but it didn't really look right, so I ended up using the chainsword arm from yet another Necromunda bounty hunter. His right arm is a combination of a plastic Stargrave arm, Necromunda pistol and greenstuff.

In terms of painting, Heincal got a darker colour scheme than the other pair, although I still gave him the white chestplate.

Nice to have finally got the full set of five painted up. I like how they're all different characters with their own styles and custom gear. I don't think I'd want any of them hunting me down!

All five of Roy Eastland's Confrontation Bounty Hunters.


  1. Some great figures with some really amazing conversions and paint jobs. I really love how Jodo seems to be yelling to someone. "You're coming with me, dead or alive!"

    1. Thanks Hobbs! Yeah, really pleased with how well that hand married up to his open mouth - a really nice piece of serendipity.

  2. Excellent work on some great sculpts! I only ever had 1 & 5 in this set and stupidly sold #1 when I got rid of my old Guard army on Ebay (Where he was the Sgt of my Beastman Penitent squad). Stupid with a capital - "durrr".

    1. I have every sympathy - I've had clearouts in the past and then regretted it afterwards as well. Glad you like the paintjobs 🙂

  3. This is fantastic. Each one embraces their own personality, this is really something. Cool job!

    1. Thanks Suber, really pleased that they come across as distinct individuals.

  4. Great stuff - the yelling leader has turned out very nicely indeed. Well done.

    1. Thanks Kym, glad you like the yelling guy!!

  5. These are really great miniatures. Great job with them!
