Friday 2 October 2020

Thrust and Parry - the Sword Master

After finishing off my arrogant lordlings from the other week, I was left with a third figure from the Vespero's Vendetta set. I didn't want three long-haired duellists, so I picked up a few bits to see what else I could do with him.

Happily I'd been gifted some 3D printed shields (thanks Mike!) from someone else's somewhat more extensive Citadel Guard project. It was a simple job to grab another head and add the shield to give me a much less flamboyant (and possibly more effective) swordsman!

I forgot to take a photo of the rear, but essentially all I did to the figure was:
  • Clip away the dagger in his left hand and add the shield
  • Remove the long-haired head and resculpt the damaged sections of cloak
  • Add a new head
  • Sculpt the tunic skirt
Grismund is Sword Master for the Citadel Guard. Usually in charge of training recruits in the art of sword-fighting, he has oftime been called upon to also train young nobles. He currently finds himself as the reluctant bodyguard to Edvain and Edgyr. 

Very little new here with the colour scheme, apart from the cream shirt. This is a bit of a departure from the standard uniform of the Citadel Guard, but I figure as a character of rank in the Guard, he's entitled to some non-standard clothing, plus it helps tie him to the two duellists.

Grismund and his two charges.

All in all, I'm very happy with Grismund, especially seeing as I hadn't planned to make him and he is a happy assembly of a few bits. In spite of his lighter gear (no studded leather armour or mail), I think he still manages to fit in nicely with the other troopers.


  1. He's a great addition and ties the brothers with the guard even more, that shield is actually so good I would have considered sawing the others off if they weren't already painted !

    1. Thanks JB! He's actually as you pojnt out, a really useful transition model - halfway between the Guards and the two brothers. I really love the shield design too, and it's great to have some spare shields to play with.

    2. If you need more you are welcome to some, just message me on Facebook

    3. Very kind of you! I'll see how I get on :)

  2. What a great idea the conversion is very well carried out.

    1. Thanks Phil! Really nice to make use of a few bits and gain a thematic model in the process :)

  3. Very nice converting there. The older head works surprisingly well, and he ties the two groups of models together nicely. Is this warband for Frostgrave?

    1. Thanks Toby, yes Mordheim, Frostgrave and Warcry are the current plans for this lot.

  4. They look great. Love the colour scheme, same as my local football club!

    1. Cheers Skully! Maybe I should do some in scarves ;)

  5. Very nice and very smart use of a miniature once again.

  6. I'm seriously impressed by how you manage to build such a coherent force with these totally different minis. This one is great, there's a lot of strenght in the pose and the result is magnificent.

    1. Thanks Suber! I try and focus on the key visual elements (cloaks are important with these!) and colours.

  7. That is indeed a nice looking shield. That shield and the modifications made to the mini resulted in an excellent finished product.

    1. Thanks! It's funny how much the look of a figure can be changed with just the addition of a shield and head.
