Monday 20 April 2020

The Holder of the Charter - Phal Kyri, Rogue Trader

Although I actually painted the Rogue Trader rogue trader a few weeks back, I've mentally repurposed him as a hard-nosed Inquisitor. So that left me with a vacancy for an actual miniature to represent a rogue trader. So I painted up a suitably imposing figure to fill the gap.

Rogue Trader Phal Kyri, escorted by her personal guard.

I wanted a figure that had the right exotic 'space barbarian' look, as sported by Joff Zuckerman from the Book of the Astronomican. Whilst the later frock-coat wearing 'space privateer' look that appeared in the 54mm Inquisitor game is all very well, I like the idea of a rogue trader that's gone a bit feral!

Rummaging around in my miniatures boxes turned up Frealaf Hardhand from the Barbarians range.

With her knee-high boots and fairly low key armour, she wasn't overtly fantastical. At least not when you compare her against the likes of the space amazon from the RT adventurers range.

Phal Kyri got a matching colour scheme to the commandos I painted up earlier in the year - the idea being that they can double as her personal guard. Her black outfit isn't entirely monochrome - the furs are actually a blue-black.

The only addition to the model is the bolt pistol at her belt, taken from the Confrontation weapons sprue. This is a nicely compact pistol that fit perfectly into the limited space.

With her no-nonsense expression and commanding stance, I think she has the perfect presence for a rogue trader!


  1. I love the way you have incorporated that old barbarian figure into a 40K setting. Very imaginative and original to see, at least to me. The striking black and orange colour scheme has the whiff of a Bond villain's goons about it too. Industrial and uncompromising. Great work!

  2. Lovely! Well done sir. :) (Incidentally, I wish I'd seen your chaosette before I painted my own. Might have dared to cut and splice a little. The gun and sword are a nice touch.)

    1. Thanks! I really did take a deep breath before cutting up the chaosette! It was a nervy thing!!

  3. She works surprisingly well in RT, and makes a great rogue trader. There's something quite Blanche about her, maybe it's the ribbons.

    1. Thanks Mr Saturday. I agree, high boots and bows are definitely the right flavour for a Blanche character.

  4. I have this miniature. NEVER would have assumed that she might fit into sci-fi... Brilliant!

    1. Thanks Skully! I deliberately steered clear of brown furs and steel armour, as I figured that would be to close to a fantasy version. Glad you like her!

  5. Oh, that's nice! The subtleness of the different hues of black works perfectly. I can totally picture her in a 80's movie; the fact that you called that image out of my mind speaks highly of how evocative this work is!

    1. Thanks Suber! I'd love to see that movie, I reckon it could be a cult classic ;)

  6. You just painted Farrah Fawcett, an actress during my time :)

    1. I see the resemblance! Now I need the rest of the Angels ;)

  7. What a great idea and so well executed! I always liked the idea that a Rogue Trader doesn't need huge power armour because of all the exotic alien powerfields they have secreted about their person.

    1. Thanks Thantsants! I would imagine a range of subtle and exotic wargear - the likes of digital weapons and holofields seem completely apt!
