Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Talk Fantasy Football Legacy Team 2016 - Khemri Skeleton

I haven't painted any Blood Bowl models for an age - largely symptomatic to the winding down of my local Blood Bowl league, with several folks moving away, and others of us becoming more interested in Inquisimunda. Over the last couple of years, I ran the Talk Fantasy Football forums annual Legacy Team - each contributor makes and submits a model, there's a draw, and the winner gets the team. This year, I decided not to make it 4 years in a row, and let Rory (aka Frogboy) take the reins. He's done a grand job marshalling the contributors and cajoling people into completing their models before the 1st of September deadline.

This year the theme was a Khemri team, with a strip in turquoise and gold. I signed up to make a Skeleton, and this was the result:

The Skeleton was made from splicing an old Citadel plastic Skeleton, with a Eunuch Hareem Guard from the excellent Dark Fable Miniatures range. The little cobra on the helmet is just a small sausage of greenstuff.
Removing the legs, arms and face were all real pigs of jobs and took forever...so much so that I nearly threw the butchered parts in the bin at one point!.

The Skeleton got a rather quick and simple paint scheme, in line with the theme. The final touch was the traditional name and number on the base, so the new owner can see who made any given model.

I suspect this might be my only Blood Bowl figure this year, but it was nice to contribute something to a larger project.


  1. Nice work Jon! Have to say I've missed your Blood Bowl pieces on the blog :)

    1. It's been too long, right? Maybe the new box game will serve as inspiration?

  2. Tidy conversion mate - looks fiddly as hell! Nice job :-)

    1. Let's just say that I won't be repeating it ;)

  3. Cool! Good to see some more Blood Bowl stuff!

    1. Thanks! I love Blood Bowl. I can't wait to see what the new game looks like.

  4. Replies
    1. Cheers JB. Unfortunately I see this one as another commitment ticked off - I rushed the painting to complete the figure for the 1st Sept deadline, in spite of converting it back in Feb or March!
