Wednesday 18 September 2024

Ulanti Top Brass - Elite Leader & Champion

It's funny how you can warm to a project over a few weeks isn't it? I really didn't enjoy painting the first Confrontation Elite gangers, but I'm closing off the project with a final pair, and they were a lot of fun to paint up. This time round it's a bit of an imposter-leader model, plus a champion with the coolest heavy weapon there is: PLASMA!

Elite gangers may not be upper-hivers, but they are definitely classy!

The imposter-leader is actually a Colony 87 bodyguard character called Gregor Lunz from Crooked Dice. He was part of the Nobles set from the fourth Colony 87 Kickstarter and is a brilliant homage to the original Elite leader.

I converted the heavy with the plasma cannon from crewman from Bronzino's Galloper Guns Warhammer Dogs of War unit. This was a pretty simple job of replacing the ramrod arm with a plastic Necromunda Van Saar arm and adding a few details (holster, nose tube, decorative waist panels):

Once again, I painted them up in predominantly yellow & cream. The imposter-leader got a red hood rather than yellow just for variety. I also managed to work out a nice plasma glow on the cannon which I retrospectively added to the plasma gunner from the other week. Another minor irritation sorted!

Original & imposter leader figures side by side.

I enjoyed painting the mutant-dog beast in nice fleshy tones.

All in all, I have come round on the Elites. They do have a fun anachronistic mediaeval look that is also present in some of the other gangs like the Brats and Venators. Seeing them all together as a gang made me realise that they have a stronger visual identity than I originally thought.

With the Elites done, it could be argued that I've left the best Confrontation gang until last. I am very much looking forward to making a start on Jes Goodwin's gorgeous scavvy sculpts. Wish me luck!!



  1. Wow, you're really putting some serious work here and it pays off! Pretty nice approach, I love them!

    1. Thanks Suber! I've really enjoyed the last 10 years of making and painting these Confrontation figures, especially the problem-solving around model selection and conversions to build up the numbers of each gang.

  2. I do like the medieval vibe very much, perhaps a few armour glad figures might be fun to do or a herald?
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Hmmm, now there's an idea worth considering! Thanks Alan
