Thursday 3 October 2024

Psyker Killers - Confrontation Gang Final Additions

As I'm closing in on the end of the Confrontation project, I've decided to do some gap filling. This essentially means finishing off any WIP figures and making sure each gang is at least 10 models strong. After a bit of a stock-take, this meant that I needed to paint 3 more psykers, 3 more Helmawr, 2 more maniacs. Plus the Scavvy gang of course.

Step 1 was to get those psykers done. I had already converted one some time ago, but had conversions planned. So I got out the figures and the greenstuff and bashed them out.

Two of this trio are based on Marauder Dark Elves. The lad in the blue jacket is a scout, and the one with the chainsword is a beastmaster / whelpmaster. Unfortunately I didn't take pics of two of the conversions, but here's the one based on the scout:

I shamelessly copied the conversion from the Warm Jets gang by Col over at The Leadpile

Both the Dark Elf conversions have basically had weapon-swaps and a new bald domed head added. The guy in the monochrome split suit is based on an old Dredd mutie (Two Heads). He now has just one head, a sculpted psychic hood and a new right arm from a Stargrave kit.

Keeping with the individualistic theme of the gang, all three new members got distinctive outfits. I particularly like the white/black bodysuit - it was quick to paint but came up nicely!

Best part about adding these new psykers is that I now have a fully-rounded gang:


  1. I'm amazed at every conversion you accomplish, they always look seamless. What I struggle to understand are those strange words such as "final additions" or "end of the project". I believe there's something inherently wrong about them!

    1. 😄 OK, you're right - no project is ever finished!! I guess I mean that these are at a point where they feel complete enough to be usable across a number of games. Sort of like finishing a unit of 10 Space Marines, rather than having just 7. I absolutely am not discounting the prospect of future additions if the mood / need arises!!
