Friday 13 October 2023

A Sign of Good Fortune - Caryatids

According to Confrontation and Necromunda lore, the small blue, winged creatures known as caryatids are are considered a sign of good fortune - they attach themselves to successful and charismatic individuals. They're one of those cool little sidenotes that add colour and interest to a setting (as well as now having an in-game function if you're playing modern Necromunda).

Caryatid by Stephen Tappin, published in White Dwarf #132

Back in 2016 I ran a small Kickstarter to launch the second set of Colony 87 sci-fi civilians (now in the safe hands of Crooked Dice). I had the excellent John Pickford sculpt me a set of critters as a stretch goal, and a little gun-toting bat-winged cherub (I called him Gargouille) as a limited edition freebie that got included in 50 random packs. I didn't give out any instructions as to the skin colour choice, but when I finally painted mine, I coincidentally selected the same blue as a few other similar creatures!

I painted up two copies of Gargouille, but didn't want to have two identical figures, so slightly modified them both. The pistol wielding version (angry Gargouille) is as sculpted by John, apart from me bending out the wings a little. I did quite a bit more work on the second (grumpy) Gargouille:

I removed the left foot before repositioning the left leg at the hip. I then reattached the left foot with a pin at a new angle to give me a standing pose.

I also removed the original arms and pistol and trimmed down the shoulders before sculpting the new folded arms. They're a little impressionistic rather than anatomically correct, but I think they work fine on a model that's about 15mm tall!

Paint-wise, I replicated Russ Grey skin colour I've used on some previous caryatids - very quick and simple paint jobs with just a base coat, wash and then a couple of highlights.

I attempted some subtle tattoos on angry Gargouille to mimic the artwork. I wasn't convinced I liked the result, so didn't bother with grumpy Gargouille!

Of course, now I have four caryatids. That's 40% of a gang (flock?). I should probably at least get the official one that Forgeworld have released for Necromunda...

EDIT: thought I'd share my concept sketch that John used to sculpt angry Gargouille from:


  1. Very cool. Now I'm inspired to do something with some olde Foundry cherubs I've been plotting against for decades.

    1. They would be ideal! Great idea 🙂

  2. With just one model, you've thrown a few logs back in the slow burn fire for confrontation, I want to get back to it !

    1. Confrontation is an ember that will never die out! Still for me the best setting and miniatures range GW have made.

  3. Great stuff. Both are great, but I think I prefer the grumpy version.

    P.S. Mordheim wants a word.

    1. Thanks! I'm really pleased hoe the grumpy chap turned out. Warhammer Quest rather than Mordheim?! 😉

  4. I know I'm repeating myself, but hadn't you said it's a conversion, I would have thought it was the original sculpt, you know what I mean. What a cool job!

    1. Thanks Suber! It seems a long way from my very first awful conversions using scissors and bluetack hardened with superglue 🤣

      I never really imagined that I might be able to make something that could fool people in that way, but I'm delighted that you think so 🙂

  5. They are great! Love your modeling and blue you've used on these.

    1. Thanks Hobbs! I do have some other vibrant blue caryatids with my bratts, but I much prefer this grey-blue.

  6. So flippin cool mate! Caryatids were such a fun bit of Necro-flavour and I'm so happy you got to add them to the C87 range too. One day I'll be heading to Crooked Dice to make a hefty order.

    1. Thanks Dai! Niche little oddities totally do it for me 🙂
