Tuesday 13 June 2017

WIP Helsreach Building

I singularly failed to do any painting over the last few days, so instead I thought I'd share a WIP building I'm working on for my Logan's World / Helsreach-esque fringe world setting.

The building is a 28mm scale Casbah from Black Hat Miniatures Exotic Adventures range. The building is a great looking collection of interesting angles - here's it is unpainted:

Obviously its a great kit unmodified, but I wanted a more post-apocalyptic / sci-fi look, so I added a host of new elements to make it fit better with the setting.

Added bits include Gorkamorka truck pieces, plasticard, some resin doodads from various sources including Ramshackle Games, as well as a few pieces from broken toys.

I ended up gluing the roof and filling the join with milliput, as I don't really have any need to keep the inside accessible. While I like the end result a lot, putting the Casbah together was a real pain - the walls and roofs didn't line up, due to some warped pieces. In the end I covered the worst of it with some of the added elements and plenty of milliput!

Stay tuned for the painted version in due course!


  1. It looks fantastic, the shape and added elements are just spot on.

    1. It's a good looking kit, just a pain to assemble. I'm looking forward to painting it.

  2. Yes. I'm seeing lots of terrain work in my feed. I really need to get Graveskul a new suburb. Awesome stuff Jon!

    1. Cheers buddy! I'm liking terrain more and more. I've come a long way from gluing stones from the garden to cardboard bases!

  3. looks suitably techy. Are you going to go white/cream colored, or more of a reddish mud plaster color?

    Either way, I sort of like the putty line you have... might be nice to do a pattern or stripe of color around the top.

    1. I definitely will be adding coloured stripes. The building will be painted to match the Fogou one I painted up a few weeks back - mainly white :)

  4. Shame about the difficult build. :(

    Still, end result looks good and your added bits really add character.

    1. Hopefully it will all come together once it's painted :)

  5. I didn't know of that kit and I love it, I'll go have a look, as I think I have some use for it even unmodified. But I do love the additions, they add just the decadent point Helsreach is supposed to have. Total win!

    1. There's another larger Blockhaus kit Suber. I bought that as well!

      I really like that North African or Mexican look for Helsreach. It just seems to fit.

  6. Very promising, the add-ons are spot on.
