Eldar Starship Crew concepts by Jes Goodwin, published in White Dwarf 119. |
Bonesingers therefore appear to be a combination of bard, priest and engineer. Creator of Eldar technology, link with the dead and an important conduit in terms of cultural continuity. In short, they are interesting characters with more depth than the future-delving Farseers or war-psyker Warlocks.
It made sense that my Eldar Pirate warband should include a Bonesinger, not only for the practicalities of caring for their ship, but also as a moderating factor to the warlike and wild crew.
Rarely does Lriael Spellsister set foot on the surface of any planet, so occupied is she with caring for the Wraithbone core and superstructure of the Shimmersand Hawk. Indeed, few of the Free Company seek her out, for she sings to the dead and wild souls do not wish to be reminded of their own mortality.