Friday, 22 November 2013

Man Room Jealousy!

Back in August I attended the Oldhammer Day at Foundry. Also there was Graham Apperley, one time Golden Demon winner (3rd place Dragon, 1988) and all round nice chap. After some discussions, we met up for a day of gaming a few months back; initially at Warhammer World, then at Foundry (long story, there was a power cut involved).

Graham invited me for a return trip to his place and it was my pleasure to take a trip to the Black Country earlier this week. After a cup of tea we adjourned upstairs to Graham's man room / hobby suite, equipped with a full-size 6'x4' gaming table, a wonderful selection of terrain, dedicated, well-lit painting table and an entire wall of cabinets containing some gorgeous models! Think I'm kidding? Well here's some photographic evidence (note, all the photos here are from my dodgy phone, hence why they're rubbish!):

Cabinets containing about 1/3 of Graham's figures on show. A fraction of his overall collection!

The super gaming table Graham laid out for us. Many of the buildings here were built at Games Workshop and used in rulebook and army book photo shoots.
Hours flew by as we viewed sumptuous models, compared stories and viewed each other's original artwork collection. I see your Wayne England original, Mr Apperley, and raise you a trio of Martin McKennas).

Sadly, I can't compete against a real life Golden Demon-winning dragon!

The fabulously painted Dragon Masters dragon as show in the Fantasy Miniatures book 1988

Some of Graham's other entries. Look at the black and white freehand on the shield!
If you look closely, you may find these models in the pages of the Fantasy Miniatures books between 1988 and 1990
I also viewed the remaining cabinets in a slightly green-eyed fashion, as RTB01 Marines rubbed shoulders with Chaos Renegades, fabulous Eldar and Harlequins and a range of other choice figures. And what was in the paint queue? Just 30-odd Space Slann of course!
We finished up the day with a little hybrid game over that fantastic terrain, mixing up rules old and new. As we progressed the game, Genestealers started appearing all over the place. Happily for me, they seemed to prefer Graham's Marines to my Orks!

You may recognise this building

Space Orks charge across the cityscape.

Orks (aided by unexpected Genestealers), hack down the unfortunate Space Marines
 So - thank for the day Graham - I look forward to revisiting some time soon!


  1. Lovely stuff, thanks for sharing the pics guys.

  2. No problems! Glad you enjoyed them. Graham keeps threatening to start his own blog if he can overcome technological inadequacy!
