Tuesday, 18 March 2025

The Insidious Word - Muller Cult Demagogue (and Friends)

I know I've mentioned this before, but I really enjoy theming a group of miniatures around the work of a specific sculptor. My current 40k chaos cult project is built around the late 1990s cultists by Paul Muller, and this next group throws the net a little wider again to include some more of his non-GW work. And if I say so myself, I think they're starting to look pretty cool together!

Friday, 7 February 2025

Hulking & Bloated - Muller Cult Brutes

It's no secret that I really enjoy adding in different-sized figures into a warband. A sneaky little fella rubbing shoulders with a big brute to contrast with the bulk of the 'normal-sized' crew. I wanted to repeat this with my Paul Muller cultists and settled on a pair of big brutes to add some real menace!

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Corruption Within - Paul Muller 40k Cultists

I've always liked the insidious and subtle encroachment of chaos. That corruption of the weak-willed & marginalised. It seems a lot more interesting than the big bombastic version of chaos that you see associated with chaos space marines.

And so I'm having another look at chaos cultists. Unlike my previous cult of weirdos and oddballs, this one is going to be comprised of Paul Muller sculpts. The bulk of the cult will be made up of his lovely mid-1990s 40k cultists, supplemented with a few other nice figures from other manufacturers where they fit aesthetically. 

My first group of 5 figures are primarily drawn from the 40k set:

Monday, 6 January 2025

Strength & Foresight - Eldar Command Group

Back in December 'Winterfest' was launched on The Emporium of Rogue Dreams Facebook page. Build and paint an Eldar single model, unit or vehicle by 12th January. The Command Group category was my favourite category from the early 1990s Golden Demon awards. I loved seeing a tight group of four themed models, usually comprised of a selection of commanders, leaders, champions or musicians plus a standard bearer:

David Knowles Squat Command Group (Golden Demon 1991)

Barry Lees' 1st place Ork Command Group (Golden Demon 1991)

I decided I'd build and paint a Command Group for the unit category under the premise of 'What I might have entered into the Command Group category at Golden Demon 1994'*.

*Assuming that the Command Group category still existed in 1994!

My Eldar Command Group (theoretically entered at Golden Demon 1994)

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

L'ng Tchun Xlvr - Space Slann Pirate (Lead & Steel Event Mini)

I was delighted to receive a preview copy of the Lead & Steel 2025 event miniature recently from organiser Mat Lindsay (Indelible Ink Studio). The figure is L'ng Tchun Xlvr, Space Slann Pirate. The figure was sculpted by Aidan at Warfactory and cast in resin by Ramshackle Games.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Inq et Nunc - Imperial Navy Bodyguard

One of my favourites of all the 54mm Inquisitor models is the Imperial Navy Bodyguard or Bosun. He's an unusual subject - an Imperial that isn't an Inquisitor or Guardsman. I also love his piratical gear and no-nonsense look.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Psyker Killers - Confrontation Gang Final Additions

As I'm closing in on the end of the Confrontation project, I've decided to do some gap filling. This essentially means finishing off any WIP figures and making sure each gang is at least 10 models strong. After a bit of a stock-take, this meant that I needed to paint 3 more psykers, 3 more Helmawr, 2 more maniacs. Plus the Scavvy gang of course.

Step 1 was to get those psykers done. I had already converted one some time ago, but had conversions planned. So I got out the figures and the greenstuff and bashed them out.