Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Orks Like Presents Too!

Cast your minds back to Silwon Fisk's new plaything. You may recall that 'Pet' was one of a pair of figures I received as part of a Secret Santa miniature exchange for Christmas last year.

I've got round to painting up the second of this pair of figures - this time a lovely grot to join Boss Fangrot's bijou warband.

The grot in question is detailed in the 1991 Citadel Miniatures catalogue as being "armed with a knife and sawn off shotgun 3". That's right, two other grots with the same loadout came before him. But neither of those two grots had this fella's particular fashion sense. He's rocking an impressive Mohican (hair squig or natural), a Walkman and a mean cranial scar.

This grot is so cocky, he can strut into combat whilst listening to classic 1980s synth-pop!

The little chap is crammed with fun details, in spite of effectively being naked from the waist up. I repeated the same colour scheme used to date on Fangrot's boys, keeping the blue for his strikingly dyed haircut. I couldn't envisage his headphone foam as being anything other than orange for some reason. It seemed to be the correct colour selection!

The new lad fits in perfectly with his grot brethren I think. Thanks again Secret Santa!

Grots swarm over the vehicles in the yard.


  1. Cracking figure and PJ Jon, that's perfect !

    1. Thanks JB! He's a grand little figure :)

  2. That grot rocks! The original 1st edition grots had so much more character back then.

    1. Absolutely right - these days they're all pretty much naked dudes in loincloths with a pistol. No headphones or eye-catching hairstyles to be seen.

  3. The little bloke is charming, I love it!

  4. Something about those quilted shoulder pads really says "Ork", even if they have not used them on Orks for years now.

    And of course yours is well painted!

    1. It's funny how certain elements 'belong' to particular races. I consider foot wraps and pikelhaube helmets to be rather orky too!

  5. A great paintjob on a lovely wee grot. The headphones are such a classy touch. Orange was the only choice.

    1. Phew, glad orange was the correct choice :) He was fun to paint no doubt.

  6. Very cool, love these old gretchin.

  7. Great details for such a little guy. And you did a fantastic job on him :)

    1. Thanks very much! He's chock full of fun stuff.
