Monday, 5 December 2016

Doing Some Heavy Lifting - SFD Giant Robot

In the 41st Millennium, circa 1987, Citadel decided to release a limited edition set of Giant Robots. Your imagination goes wild at the thought. These things should be ogre-sized at least. Or possibly, if they have been named correctly, giant-sized.

SFD Giant Robots (image from Stuff of Legends).

It is possible that Citadel created these figures for a Battletech licence (or perhaps a similar in-house game), because in actuality, these giant robots are anything but:

'Scavenger' is barely larger than the Eldar Ghost Warrior or Paranoia robot!

That said, I recently acquired myself a Scavenger, and aside from being a little disappointed that he is underwhelmingly not a giant robot (I had never had one of these 'bots in hand before), I was more than happy to lavish a quick and dirty paint job on the fellow!

After removing him from his solid base, and rebasing him on a 30mm slotta, I gave Scavenger an industrial yellow paint job, complete with plenty of exposed primer, grime and chipped paintwork.

The metal areas got a little bit of rust, but overall I was aiming to keep it quick and simple. Including basing, this guy took less than 2 hours.

In hindsight, I wish I'd done the eye-slit red instead of orange - I may go back and redo it, but for now I'm content to leave him be - the newest addition to my engineering crew.
'Scavenger' is a multi-purpose lifter/breaker unit, designed to support maintenance and engineering crews.


  1. Despite his vertical challenge, he's cute and perfectly fit for the theme. Now that Bulldozer version does look rather cool.

    1. I do like Bulldozer too. I fancy trying to get hold of a copy of him :)

  2. He looks great as maintenance bot for sure. As a giant robot....not so much :)

    Great weathering Jon!

    1. Phew...he fits the criteria I have for him. He doesn't need to be giant, right?! ;)

      Glad you like him!

  3. A spot of white on the corner of the lens and a quick Bloodletter glaze and it will be red. Easy.

    The "Bulldozer" and "Scavenger" variants are the best of those for use in 28mm I think. Fun stuff :)

    1. I may well amend the lens as per your suggestion cheetor!

  4. Nice mini, and that's some great weathering mate, he's really cool. I reckon his visual perspective circiuts are damaged, so he just thinks he's a giant... shhhh, don't say anything Jon, you'll hurt his feelings!

    1. Crikey, that's a potential robomotional minefield right there. I think it's best not to mention size at all, just in case he ends up sitting in the corner of the canteen, sadly nursing a hot cup of oil...

      I'll keep quiet, don't you worry!

  5. You totally master the industrial look, pretty nice chap here!

    1. Thanks Suber! I've got to admit, I do enjoy the look :)

  6. It's always worthwhile making something gamable and useful out of even the lowliest of miniatures. And that one looks pretty good and suitably industrial. Short, but beefy.

  7. Excellent painting, you have really captured a working industrial look with the colours and the the wear and tear effects. Thank you for the information on the size of the 'Giant' Robots, they are a lot smaller than I thought.
